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WEBCounter by GOWEB


[foreword: the questionaire is taken from a cd booklet - of course you don't have to answer the questions. but maybe its worth to spend some thoughts about them.]

please answer the following questions:

  1. if you could, would you like to relive your childhood?
  2. if you could choose, in which era would you most like to live?
  3. if you started your life over, what would you do differently?
  4. if you could undo something that has happened in your life, what would it be?
  5. if you were to write your memories, what would the title be?
  6. describe yourself in one word!
  7. how much do you rely on fate?
  8. do you consider yourself a couragous person?
  9. have you ever tried to radically change your image?
  10. how do you deal with people who reject you without reason?
  11. what strategy do you use to work you way up in the society?
  12. describe the best day of your life!
  13. describe your worst nightmare!
  14. describe three things of which you are really ashamed!
  15. name three songs that touch you the most!
--------------------------------------------------- this questionaire is taken from the album lookbook of the band slut
